Ing. Mag. Georg P. Mavridis, Bakk.
Board Member and Owner
Mr. Mavridis is an Austrian Greek Entrepreneur and Manager with three decades of experience. He currently operates multiple businesses in media, tech and real estate. He focuses on management, finances and operations.
Philipp A. Hohenberg
Board Member and Owner
Mr. Hohenberg is an Austrian Entrepreneur and venture capitalist operating in real estate, media and new technology. He has close connections to Croatia and focuses on business and project development as well as investor relations.

Mladen Šicel, mag.
CEO / Chief executive officer
Mr. Šicel is a Croatian manager with decades of expirience including especially the energy sector with various management positions in natural gas and energy technology companies as well as the real estate sector. He focuses on project management and plant operations.
ing. Heinrich Sorgner
CCO / Chief Consumer officer
Mr. Sorgner is an Austrian Entrepreneur and venture capitalist operating in real estate and tourism and has over two decades of expirience as a insurance and financial services manager. His focus are consumers and small investors that deserve the same professional service as our institutional and larger investors, but with a focus on achieving the best result within their parameters.

ing. Marc Szitter
CIO / Chief investment officer
Mr. Szitter is an Austrian renewable energy expert engineer currently working and residing in Switzerland. Mr. Szitter has been in management positions in the electromobility and energy industry for 15+ years, and is one of the foremost experts in his fields. He focuses on project development and investor relations.
Margareta Kutnjak Mavridis, mmmmag.
COO / Chief operating officer
Mrs. Kutnjak is a Croatian manager with extensive of expirience including as a goverment expert for labour, social partnership member and board member of the health insurance system. She focuses on compliance and finances.